6 Oct 2015

I Ask Guys How Girls Should Flirt...

The single girl series: flirting, dating & lots of Netflix 

I've been single for just over 6 months and every time anyone mentions the word dating its followed by countless rules- wait a calculated amount of time before texting back, give eye contact but don't look at him for longer then 0.2335454645 seconds, wait until 9 minutes into the 3rd date before giving a good night kiss. 

It's confusing, dating is a minefield... and i've never even been on a date. That's right. Never. But now i'm single and 24 so I should probably start somewhere. So welcome to a new series- The single girl series to flirting, dating and lots of Netflix.

Before you even get a date, you probably need to learn to flirt. I'm hopeless. So I turned to some male friends and asked them how they think we should do it... and then I took the piss and added some Gifs.

1. Lots of Eye contact, let them know you're interested. 

2. Acknowledgement- agree with everything they say apparently? 

3. Don't play hard to get.... but apparently theres a fine line between looking uninterested and being creepy and desperate (so many rules)

4. "My friend thinks you're cute" apparently thats pretty bad... 

5. Flanter (thats flirty banter FYI). Multi tasking at it's finest... being flirty, sexy and funny all at the same time.

6. Don't talk about yourself too much

7. Compliment them often

And finally a quote from my super confident friend when I told him about this post: "I wish people just spoke to people in life, don't make it a big deal" flirting's so easy for some people... 


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